Attachments can be useful but only if they are necessary. Many grantmakers are limiting how many attachments can be included. Be sure you do not exceed the maximum number.
If attachments are not limited and the proposal is a particularly complex one you should consider including the following: the standard brochure for your organization; the IRS letter confirming your status as a nonprofit; a recent newsletter; any media coverage you have received (assuming it is positive!); your most recent annual report and audited financial statement; details on statistical data included in your proposal narrative; evidence of other financial resources and commitments; referral letters; agreements with contractors; evidence that other agencies are partnering with you; a discussion of your budget; resumes for staff that will be working on the project as well as job descriptions for project staff you intend to hire and perhaps cv’s for project consultants; a list of your board of directors (see final bullet for warnings about information not to include); a list of your advisory committee (assuming there is one); sample surveys you will use for feedback and evaluation of the project; and a project timeline.
As indicated in our article about the Table of Contents, one is recommended if your proposal is five or more pages. Use that article as an excellent guide when you are creating your Table of Contents page.
Respect your Board of Directors privacy by omitting and personal contact information such as email, address or telephone. Provide one board member as the contact who will represent the board with regard to this project. On your list of board members you should include each person’s profession, current job title, and any civic or corporate affiliations. Assuming there is no limit set regarding attachments, also include a brief bio about each board member and their contributions to your operation.